Hello friends, how are you today? I decided to make a post about ASEAN +3 Youth Environment Forum (AYEF 2016) at 8-10 April 2016 in Singapore. I hope it will gain some knowledge for you :) What is the event that you join at 8th-10th April 2016? The event/forum called ASEAN +3 Youth Environment Forum (AYEF 2016). It was the forum that have be held from 2010 and 2013 in Brunei Darussalam, and the first time ever held in Singapore. 10 countries of ASEAN (Indonesia, Malayasia, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Lao, Mynamar,Vietnam, Thailand) tgether with China, Korea, Japan (unfortunately Korea, and Japan cannot send their representative L ). Every country sent 4 participant in AYEF+3 2016. What is AYEF 2016? It was a forum that held to enhance the knowledge of youth related to the Waste Minimization. Singapore as the country that have been concerning more about waste minimization, try to educate other ASEAN countries to take an action to implement Reduce, Reuse and Recycle princip...
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